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Placements Dashboard

  • Students data is updated periodically from your school board SIS and ready to use.
  • List of employers grows with each new placement.
  • Successfully completed credited courses and current timetable courses are transferred from the school board SIS, making the selection of a related course simple and accurate.
  • Form of Experiential Learning, National Occupational Classification and Apprenticeship Trade Information pairing avoid human errors.
  • Semester calendar-based placement schedules aligned with your school board.
  • Placement schedule memorization feature permits flexible reproduction of workdays and work hours for all your students.
  • Insurance coverage specification is linked to the placement schedule to ensure students’ safety.
  • Electronic student placement record is always accessible, even once archived.
  • Monitoring meetings logging tool and supporting documents allows co-op teachers to effectively access and monitor students’ progress.
  • Accident and injury reporting gives you a quick access to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) guidelines and online interactive Form 7.
A woman working on a computer, sitting at a desk with a pile of papers that she will have to scan.


Duane Neff and Sandi Theilheimer
MTEL has become the go-to application that we use for Co-op.

The application has helped consolidate all information in one spot. MTEL has become the go-to application that we use for Co-op. The “Team Teaching” feature allows us to work together and intervene in a shared co-op student’s placement record. I like that the SCELP process puts the students in the driver’s seat. MTEL is always quick to respond to our questions, and always listens to our feedback to enhance the application. The customer service has been absolutely fantastic.

Duane Neff and Sandi Theilheimer
Co-op teachers
Fellowes High School
Renfrew County District School Board
Pembroke, ON